In 2010 our world was rocked when our seemingly healthy daughter, Peyton, became sick with one health issue after another.  At three years old she developed; seizures, GI dysmotility, regressions of skill with illness, frequent infections, autonomic dysfunction as well as many other issues.  It didn't take us long to realize something was seriously wrong.  Even though she was the same sweet baby we had always known, Peyton's body was failing her.  After numerous tests it was discovered that she had a rarely known disease called mitochondrial disease.  Mitochondrial disease, often referred to as mito, is a progressive, degenerative condition which causes dysfunction within the mitochondria in the cells.  Mitochondria produce 90% of energy necessary for cellular function.  Mitochondrial disease can often lead to cell death as well as progressive organ dysfunction and failure.  There are currently no real treatments or cures for mito.   

Peyton's brother Caelum was born later that same year.  He too was born with the burden of mitochondrial disease.  He struggles every day with; lung function, hypoglycemia, developmental delays, regressions, autonomic dysfunction as well as other issues.  We watch them fight every day, and have made it our mission to fight both with them and for them.  

We do not know what the future holds for our children, but we do know we will not stop fighting until a cure is found.  TGen has given us the fuel to keep on fighting.  With TGen's help the possibility of finding a curative treatment seems within our reach, even possibly within our children's lifetime.  Help us by clicking the donate button above.


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