Kallie Dock
Kallie Dock
Helios Scholar

School: University of Arizona
Hometown: Englewood, Colorado
Daily Mentor: Ashley Ryan, Darian Chambers, Colette Hairston
PI: Danielle Metz

The Volunteer Registry

Helios Scholar

The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) is frequently in need of sample donations from the general public. These comparison samples aid in furthering our scientific understanding of numerous diseases. The Volunteer Registry has been created in an effort to provide a convenient platform for individuals who want to donate samples to contribute to our science. The Volunteer Registry will collect basic contact, demographic, and health information from those who choose to participate. The creation of this registry will allow the general public to more easily get involved with our research, expanding the network of healthy control samples that can be obtained for any given study. It will allow the researchers at TGen to access a more diverse pool of volunteers if they need specific types of healthy comparison samples. The collection of healthy control samples is vital for conducting research, because if we hope to discover what is “abnormal” within a sample being studied, we must first understand what is “normal.” When creating the Volunteer Registry, I began by amending an existing TGen protocol. My work included creating a landing page for the Volunteer Registry on the TGen website, thoughtfully selecting the title for the registry and the photo for the banner, and drafting the "Why Statement'' on the landing page. This statement includes the language potential participants will read before consenting to enroll in the registry. Once they consent, they will complete a short questionnaire. I devised the relevant questions and a user-friendly way of deploying them. I also ensured the platform would be easy to use for coordinators who will need to sort through and filter records based on the needs of researchers while maintaining the security of such information. The Volunteer Registry will be able to reach a vast population spanning across the United States and leave a lasting impact on TGen’s genomic research.

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