Randy's Friends

We created Randy's Friends to honor the memory of Dr. Randy Pausch, the inspirational author of The Last Lecture. After his diagnosis, Randy delivered his final lecture titled “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams” which conveyed many of his life's lessons and encouraged listeners to help others achieve their dreams as well. It can be viewed here: YouTube - Randy Pausch Inspires Graduates. 

Well over 10 million people have either viewed The Last Lecture online or read the New York Times best selling book by the same title. In response to their many inquiries, Jai Pausch and Dr. Von Hoff started Randy's Friends.

Like Randy, members of Randy's Friends support OneMore because it is an unprecedented effort that enhances the effectiveness of every dollar donated in support of Dr. Von Hoff’s efforts to cure pancreatic cancer.

Randy Pausch

We have designated four giving levels in keeping with Randy's inspirational themes.

  • $25 Pausch Dreamer
  • $50 Pausch Leader
  • $100 Pausch Visionary
  • $250+ Pausch Imagineer


OneMore focuses on preventing and curing pancreatic cancer by aggressively pursuing the genetic causes of the disease and the rapid translation of new information into more effective treatments.


While OneMore's efforts to cure pancreatic cancer are advancing at an unprecedented rate, funding is needed to continue our unique international effort.

Lee Hanley Hotline

Named after Lee Hanley, the Hotline provides information on all things pancreatic cancer, including research, trials and avenues of support for patients and their families.