TGen Integrated Microbiomics Center Header image

TGen Integrated Microbiomics Center

Applying advanced laboratory and computer technology to explore the next frontier in our understanding of how microbes relate to human health and disease: the human microbiome.

The Microbiome

The microbiota describes the microbes that coexist in various sites of the human body. The collection of their microbial genes, referred to as the microbiome, outweighs the number of human genes by as much as 100 times.

Samples, Services and Cost

We provide comprehensive microbiome services for a complete analysis of microbial gene composition and transcription. Post-analysis includes detailed bioinformatics and transparent workflows using QIIME 2 for reproducibility.

Types of Sequencing

TIMC offers high-throughput next-generation sequencing (NGS) to analyze entire microbial communities and combine multiple samples to generate precise data for discovery research and treatment options.

TGen Integrated Microbiomics Center Donation image

About Us

The TGen Integrated Microbiomics Center (TIMC) is an efficient, cutting-edge, multi-omic microbiome research and service center that empowers clinicians and researchers to integrate microbiome analysis into a wide range of studies, including those focused on cancer, neurological health, nutrition, and other diseases. The Center utilizes state-of-the-art sequencing technologies and bioinformatics tools to deliver custom, interactive microbiome summaries that are directly interpretable and can be integrated with collaborator-preferred tools for further downstream analysis. The Center integrates rigorous quality control for all of its microbiome services to provide high-quality microbiome services for diverse research needs.